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About WE-GO - Westtown-Goshen Rotary Club

'WE-GO' was adopted as an acronym to reflect the lengths to which members of the Westtown-Goshen Rotary Club of Pennsylvania, USA go encouraging service, fellowship and goodwill. WE-GO Rotarians make a difference in the world.

WE-GO Works!  

WE-GO is made up of volunteers like you who want to find things to do. We join and come together with varying backgrounds, vocations, level of education and history, but share in a common pledge to support others through our service.

Consider sharing your knowledge, skills, resources and time with others. It is the greatest gift we can give.

WE-GO’s strength lies in combining the ideas and energy of individual members into cohesive actions and well-managed projects.

We host the West Chester area 'Souperbowl' and 'Goose Creek Duck Race' to raise funds and awareness of our humanitarian and community projects such as tackling hunger, improving literacy and the welfare of people everywhere.

Our Goose Creek Duck Race is scheduled for the last week in September after school returns from the summer.  The Race covers up to five heats and a grand prize race.  Thousands of dollars of prizes are won and distributed.  The net proceeds are allocated by the WE-GO Foundation Board.

The Souperbowl event is scheduled the Friday night of the real Superbowl each year.  The funds raised go to a range of WE-GO Works projects usually related to tackling hunger and literacy.

In 2019, we launched our first Bag Bingo event to raise funds for Hurricane Relief that is desperately needed responding to global issues impacting the earth.

Our members come together with purpose, friendship and service to our community and the world at large.  Why not come to an upcoming meeting and learn how you can make a difference too!

WE-GO meetings are generally held Thursday at 6:00pm at Timothy's of West Chester, 929 South High Street West Chester, Pennsylvania.